Sunday, December 22, 2019

DIY Original Artwork Coffee Cups

This is an easy last minute gift idea featuring original art work.  A few weeks  ago I went to a Winterland / Holiday event for children and this was one of the arts and craft projects featured.  It was hands down the most popular craft table.  Kids from ages 1-2 years old and up to grammar school were decorating cups and having a blast.  Clearly the little ones, like my son and younger, needed some adult supervision and some help opening the markers, holding the cups, and reminding them not to draw on the table, floors, each other etc.  I'm not sure if he or I had more fun (I probably did), but this cup is my new, most favorite thing.
I proudly drink out of it all day at work because every time I see it, I smile.  And everyone who sees it thinks it is the most special gift... BECAUSE IT IS!  I have an original piece of art from my 2 year old that can be used daily and washed without fear of ruining his scribble artwork.  This is such a great alternative to picture cups and will also last for years to come.  Plus, it is a fun project to do with your kids and only takes a little more than 24 hours before it is cured and ready for use so it is a great last minute gift idea.  It is also a budget friendly gift.
Acrylic paint markers and cups can be purchased at your local arts and craft store (think Michaels, etc.).  I purchased all my supplies on Amazon.  For an even better deal look for coffee cups at your local dollar store.

For this project you will need acrylic pens, ceramic coffee cups, and rubbing alcohol. And obvi some newspaper to cover your work space. I also recommend priming your markers so they are ready to use before sitting down to color, especially if you have a 2 year old like mine who is all about monkey see, monkey do. Once he saw me priming the markers he stopped wanting to color the cups and wanted to “boop” the table so we had to take a break and return to coloring the cups later.  And yes he still remembered and wanted to make one mark on the cup followed by a boop on the table, over and over...  While I chose coffee cups for this gift you can use any oven safe ceramic medium (plate, bowl, vase etc.). 
DIY Original Artwork Coffee Cups 

  • Acrylic paint pens / markers
  • Rubbing alcohol 
  • Ceramic mugs
  • Newspaper
  1. Cover your workspace with newspaper
  2. Wipe cups with rubbing alcohol
  3. Prime markers so they are ready to draw with
  4. Once cups are dry let your child go crazy and color the cups to their liking.  (Why not color a cup with them?!)
  5. Let  cups sit undisturbed for 24 hours
  6. Bake for 40 minutes in a 300 degree oven or follow the directions recommended with the acrylic paint pen manufacture
  7. Let cool completely
Once cool wrap and gift or wash and use your original, one of a kind masterpiece.  

I also had fun making a cup and when my dad saw it he ranted and raved about it (he loves my original art) so I may consider giving him this cup I made.
Leave a comment with your finished project and Happy Holidays! 

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