Monday, September 25, 2017

Here's to one month!

Today my baby is one month old.  The adjusting to this thing called motherhood has been a relatively smooth transition due in large part to the amazing support I've had.  There has been some road bumps and hurdles (recurrent plugged ducts, mastitis, and daily episodes of colic to name a few), but the support of my parents and husband has allowed me to keep my sanity and not turn to a bottle of formula.  Which has been tempting, especially when my son howls in pain due to what we presume to be his discomfort of gas.  Seeing your child in discomfort and not being able to console them is the worst feeling...

Today was the first day that I had to take care of Carter by myself.  I definitely took for granted the help I received while my parents were in town.  Caring for an infant is a 24/7 job, especially when you're breastfeeding.  Formula fed babies tend to sleep for longer stretches of time than breastfed babies because breast milk is digested quicker then formula.  This is not a plug for one means of feeding a baby over another or discounting one's decision to care for their child.  I'm purely just stating facts.  My day literally consisted of: try to figure out how to walk the dog with an infant (Rocky has to do his business too) and feed, change, and console infant on repeat.  Plus I had to find time to eat.  Can I just say that I don't make the best food choices when I'm priced for time... something to acknowledge and work on.  There was no time in my day for anything else and that includes doing dishes, laundry, tiding up, or making dinner, which brings me back to the subject of support.  I truly don't think I could have made it through this last month with my sanity, a fed belly, and a somewhat of put together house if I hadn't had the extra support.  My parents took care of everything including walking and feeding my dog, the dishes, grocery shopping, making meals, cleaning, and laundry to name a few.  These may seem like small tasks, but are so incredibly helpful as all I had to do was focus on myself and Carter.  I sure got spoiled having my parents here and boy do I miss them! 

All the help I received got me thinking.  I would say that if you know somebody who has had a new baby volunteer to go to their house and help them out in some way.  And by helping them out, I don't mean going to visit for the sole means of seeing / holding the baby.  That is not helpful.  Instead, offer to vacuum, do a load of laundry or the dishes, run an errand, or bring a meal...  Don't go to see the baby and expect to be catered on.  New parents have enough on their plate and should not be playing hostess with the mostess.  Also don't overstay your welcome.  New parents get no sleep and naps during the day are important.  Unless you are coming to do something helpful, like I previously noted above, don't stay for more than an hour.  It's exhausting and I'm convinced, especially in my case, that it turns my child into a devil since he can't get the rest during the day that he needs and becomes extremely fussy.

But let's end this on a positive note.  No matter how hard this transition has been or the moments I feel like I can't figure it out, I keep going because I love being a mom.  I truly feel that being Carter's mom is the reason I was meant to be here.  I love cuddling and kissing him and the bond I get when feeding him.  I love his smell and the way he looks so serene when he sleeps.  I love his big, blue eyes and his little lips.  And when he looks at me or caresses me during feedings I melt. 

This is love.  I feel so honored that I was chosen to be Carter's mother.  I am beyond blessed and will do everything in my power to teach him to do right, love him, support him, and give him the best life I can. 

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