Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Greens in question

Today I only ate veggies at breakfast.  I had plans for a nice pesto pasta for dinner, but my husband and I had to go to the store for supplies for a time sensitive house project.  So we ate at the diner.  You know, tough life.

My CSA email said that this week's box contained both spinach and chard, however, I only received one bag of questionable loose greens.  I figured that the bag was a mix of both greens and after washing the greens (how I wash greens here) I had a feeling it was chard, but stayed optimistic that it could be mixed with spinach leaves as advertised.

Wrong!  I should have known by the yellow stems...

This is now the second time I was told that my CSA box contained spinach only to find out that it was chard by the taste.  And there is nothing more off putting then taking a sip of your delicious green drink only to taste dirt.  It's not that I don't like chard, I just don't care for it in my green drink as it has a very "earthy" taste.  Earthy is great in a salad, and I love roasted beets with cheese, but earthy is not so great in a drink.  For those of you who stumble across this post I would love to know any suggestions for incorporating chard into a green drink without having to add tons of sweetener to mask the taste as I fear I will have more chard to come throughout this season. 

Remaining veggies:
- Mixed greens
- Yellow squash and 2 zucchini
- Purple onion
- Swiss chard
- Bag of basil
- 2 cobs of corn

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